I shot Francesca for my #PaintedYogaBodies Series. . She’s come back twice for the experience, and was bad-ass rock star both times. Her movement practice includes strength of many kinds, including pole, circus, and yoga. She shared with me that her strict yoga practice is not as frequent as her circus arts practice but that she finds yoga to be grounding. Her strength was amazing, only surpassed by the energy she exuded during our shoot.
removes the ego and helps center me. I love all things back-bending. Opening the front of your chest makes you vulnerable, which is why many are so averse to back-bends, but they are extremely important for life. - Francesca
Her mother told her she could grow up to be anything she wanted be, so she grew up to become the strongest of the strong, the strangest of the strange, the wildest of the wild, the wolf leading wolves.
-Nikita Gill